Links to papers, books, and workshop notes are given below.
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  1. (with H. Andreka, J.X. Madarasz, I. Nemeti, and T. Sayed Ahmed) Epimorphisms in Cylindric Algebras and Definability in Finite Variable Logic. Algebra Universalis, 61 (2009), 261-282

  2. Immersive Imaging Technology: VR for the Web in Academia Syllabus 13, no. 1 (1999), 22-26.

  3. Application-oriented hyperstructers New Frontiers in Hyperstructures Hadronic Press (1996), 213-218. MR 1460523

  4. Hyperstructures associated with character algebras and color schemes New Frontiers in Hyperstructures Hadronic Press (1996), 49-66. MR 1460510

  5. Locating Internet Resources Proceedings of Seventh Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Addison-Wesley (1995) 88-92.

  6. Perfect extensions of Regular Stone Algebras Algebra Universalis 34 (1995), 96-109.MR 1344956

  7. Finite Mathematics on the HP-95LX Proceedings of Fifth Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics, Addison-Wesley (1994), 121-125.

  8. On connections between information systems, rough sets and algebraic logic Algebraic Methods in Logic and Computer Science. Banach Center Pub., vol. 28, Polich Acad. Sci., Warsaw (1993), 117-124. MR 1446277

  9. Lattices of conjugacy relations Proc. International Conference on Algebra honoring A. Malcev Contempory Math. 131 (Part3), Amer. Math. Soc. 1992, 31-48. MR 1175871

  10. An algebraic approach to the approximation of information Fundamenta Informaticae 14 (1991), 492-502. MR 1124536

  11. Some problems on hypergroups Algebraic Hyperstructures and Applications, Proc. Fourth Internat. Congress, Xanthi, 1990. World Scientific Pub., 1991, 67-74. MR 1125316

  12. A remark on representable positive cylindric algebras Algebra Universalis 28 (1991), 150-151. MR 1083828

  13. The representation of 3-dimensional cylindric algebras Algebraic Logic (Proc. Conf. Budapest 1988), North-Holland Pub. Co., 1991, 147-172. MR 1153422

  14. The use of spreadsheets in Finite Mathematics Proceedings of Conference on Technology in Collegiate Mathematics Addison-Wesley, 1989, 129-132.

  15. Weakly regular trees and their color algebras Rivista di Mat. pura ed appl. 3 (July 1988), 29-37. MR 1068875

  16. (with Leslie Cohn) An abstract theory of invertible relations Algebra Universalis 25 (1988), 131-146. MR 0950741

  17. Dimension Stable Posets Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 28 (1987), 127-135. MR 0889774

  18. The Cayley representation of polygroups Convegno su: Ipergruppi, altre strutture multivoche e loro applicazioni, Udine 1986, 27-34 MR 0923143

  19. (with H. Andreka and I. Nemeti) Clones of operations on relations Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory Proc. Conf. In Charleston, 1984, (Springer-Verlag. NY), LNM #1149 (1985), 17-21 MR 0823003

  20. The elementary theory of interval real numbers Zeitschr. f. Math. Logik u. Grund. d. math. 31 (1985), 89-95. MR 0781533

  21. Combinatorial types Algebra, Combinatorics and Logic in Computer Science, Colloquia Math Soc. J. Bolyai, North-Holland Pub. Co., 1985, 267-284 MR 0875870

  22. Epimorphisms in discriminator varieties Proc. Colloquium on Universal Algebra (Szeged, 1983), Horth-Holland Pub. Co., 1985, 41-48 MR 0860254

  23. Galois theory for cylindric algebras and its applications Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 286 (1984), 771-785. MR 0760986

  24. Combinatorial aspects of relations Algebra Universalis 18 (1984), 77-94. MR 0743458

  25. Polygroups derived from cogroups J. Algebra 89 (1984), 397-405. MR 0751152

  26. Color schemes forbidding monochrome triangles Congressus Numerantium 39 (1983), 231-236. MR 0734546

  27. Constructions of color schemes Acta Universitatis Carolinae (Math. et Phys.) 24 (1983), 39-48. MR 0733684

  28. Extension of polygroups by polygroups and their representations using color schemes In, Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory Proc. Conf. Puebla, Mexico, 1982, Springer-Verlag, NY (1983), LNM #1004, 91-103. MR 0716176

  29. A remark on chromatic polygroups Congressus Numerantium 38 (1983), 85-95. MR 0703243

  30. A new foundation for the theory of relations Notre Dame J. Formal Logic 24 (1983), 181-187. MR 0687341

  31. Boolean Combinations of Monadic Formulas Algebra Universalis 15 (1982), 299-305. MR 0689768

  32. Inductive domains and algebraic semantics of CF languages Computational Linguistics and Computer Languages 15 (1982), 43-49. MR 0673281

  33. The decision problem for nilpotent closed varieties Zeitschr. f. Math. Logik u. Grund. d. Math. 27 (1981), 557-560. MR 0635117

  34. Word Problems in Reader Reflections Mathematics Teacher 73 (Oct 1980), 487-488.

  35. The representation of implicative BCK-algebras Math. Japon. 25 (1980), 111-115. MR 0571270

  36. The countable chain condition and free algebras Mathematische Zeitschrift 165 (1979), 101-106. MR 0520815

  37. Multivalued loops, geometries, and algebraic logic Houston J. Math. 2 (1976), 373-380. MR 0467488

  38. Complete and model complete theories of monadic algebras Colloquium Mathematicum 34 (1976), 183-190. MR 0480008

  39. Monadic algebras with finite degree Algebra Universalis 5 (1975), 315-329. MR 0403965

  40. Elementary properties of structures of sections Bol. Soc. Mat. Mexicana 19 (1974), 78-85. MR 0437333

  41. Restricted direct products and sectional representations Math. Nachrichten 64 (1974), 333-344. MR 0369212

  42. Solution to Problem J/A5 Technology Review, January 1974, 66.

  43. Arithmetic properties of relatively free products Proc. Univ. Houston Lattice Theory Conf., Houston (1973), 180-193. MR 0401602

  44. (with J.S. Johnson) The standard semigroup of operators of a variety Algebra Universalis 2 (1972), 77-79. MR 0308012

  45. (with D.X. Hong) Some remarks concerning the varieties generated by the diamond and the pentagon Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 174 (1972), 45-54. MR 0313142

  46. A sheaf-theoretic duality theory for cylindric algebras Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 169 (1972), 75-87. MR 0307908

  47. Representations by algebras of sections over Boolean spaces Pacific J. Math. 38 (1971), 29-38. MR 0304277

  48. (with J.J. LeTourneau) Isomorphism types of infinite algebras Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 21 (1969), 635-639. MR 238752

  49. Finite inseparability of some theories of cylindrification algebras J. Symbolic Logic 34 (1969), 171-176. MR 272627

  50. Classes without the amalgamation property Pacific J. Math 28 (1969), 309-318. MR 242650

  1. (Editor) Universal Algebra and Lattice Theory, Proceedings of a Conference held in Charleston, July 11-14, 1984. Lecture Notes in Marthematics. No., 1149, Springer-Verlag, 1985

Workshop Notes
  1. Plane vs Spherical Geometry. Fourth Carolinas Mathematics Conference, Charlotte, NC, October 1997

  2. VR Movie Authoring in Windows. Syllabus, Chicago, IL (April 2000); Santa Clara, CA (July 2000 and July 2001)